Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Assignment Due (11/19)

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

“We as a class, are tired of one kind of protection, that which leaves us everything to do, to dare, and to suffer, and strip us of all means for its accomplishment. We would not tax man to take care of us. No, The Great Father has endowed all his creations with the necessary powers for self-support, self-defense, and protection. We do not ask man to represent himself. So long as the mass of men spend most of their time on the fence, not knowing which way to jump, they are surely in no condition to tell us where we had better stand. In pity for man we would no longer hang like a mill-stone round his neck. Undo what man did for us In the dark ages, and strike out all special legislation for us; strike the words “white male” from all your constitutions and then, with fair sailing, let us sink or swim, live or die, survive or perish together”

What I believe Stanton is trying to say here is Women are tired as a whole being responsible for everything such as taking care of their husbands, their children, and working hard and not being recognized for it and not being respected for their feelings or opinions. God or the creator of all things has already embedded certain aspects with every person such as ability to gather certain necessities for self support, self-defense and protection. Men in comparison to women should not be allowed to control women because the majority of men lack a since of direction without the woman’s influence. The way this passage relates to the theme of the lecture is Stanton was addressing the people in order to bring about change for women. She was trying to not only resolve the issues of women being inferior to men but she was also helpful in abolishing slavery. I chose this passage because it shows both sides of what Stanton was standing up for, the rights of women and slaves.

Frederick Douglas

“He should place himself, as it were, in the position of the slave, and advocate those principles and measures which, judging from his stand-point, he would deem just and advisable. Now we hold that there is but one class of men and women in the land, who stand upon the slaves platform, and advocate the principles and measures which he would had the opportunity. Abolitionism in this country is a sort of heterogeneous compound. It is composed, too of certain elements the one for the other and the lack of homogeneousness must in some way be supplied before a perfect fusion, or commingling of the elements can be effected.”

I believe that Douglas is trying to say that slave owners should look at what is happening from the slaves point of view in hopes that there is a group of people that will stand up for slaves other than the slaves themselves. The process of abolishing slavery seems like nothing is working out. He compares it to a heterogeneous compound where in chemistry it is a compound that appears uniform but it is actually different at the microscopic level. Slavery seemed like a normal way of life but when you look deeply into how the slaves are being treated by their masters it is another story. This passage relates to the theme of the lecture because Douglas points out what is really going on during slavery and paints a picture in the readers mind that things does not look the way it seems. Slavery needed to come to an end and in order for that to happen a group of people other than the slaves has to support them. I chose this passage because it pointed out a good idea that everyone needed to come together in order for slavery to be abolished and it should not only be the slaves.